These four letters have become a way of business for many companies. The traditional workplace is changing and Bring Your Own Device is one of the things that is leading that change. The first step toward the benefits of BYOD is a successful move to Virtualization. Learn more about Virtual Desktops in our DaaS Guide.
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With the rise of Virtual Desktops, companies no longer need to constantly update computers and employees are taking advantage of the freedom that Cloud computing offers. Now that there is the option to work anywhere and at any time, a lot of work takes place outside of the office. This shift has made some uneasy. It is difficult to change our idea of what a workplace should be and some worry about the security of BYOD.
Security worries can be alleviated by choosing the right hosting services provider. The data is not stored on the individuals device. The device is simply used as an access point. The right hosting provider has all of the data stored on servers kept in secure data centers. Access to this information is easily revoked when an employee leaves even if they still have the device used to access it previously.
A BYOD program gives employees flexibility which makes them more productive and the company saves money on hardware and IT management. BYOD, when done correctly, offers a great deal to the company and the employees.