We have visited the topics of the Cloud and Virtual desktops. Now that we an understanding of what these are we will learn a bit more about their implementation. Some companies choose to purchase servers, storage, and additional hardware and house their own Cloud in-house. For those who do not want the financial or management burden, they can turn to a Cloud Service Provider (CSP). A CSP purchases and maintains the hardware that houses your Cloud and manages your infrastructure. You have 24/7 access and complete ownership of all of your data without the financial and workforce strain.
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Many CSPs offer customizable plans including hosted applications, Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS), Workspace-as-a-Service (WaaS), or Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS). Your CSP can virtualize the software, programs, and files that you use every day and make them accessible from any device so your workforce no longer relies on an office.
CSPs work with a monthly subscription plan. This allows these IT costs to be classified as Op-Ex instead of Cap-Ex and you pay them as you would any utility. Like a utility, this means that you only pay for what you need as you need it. Users can be added and removed as your company changes. Like users, resources can be added as needed. A Cloud offering though a CSP is completely scalable and customizable.
If you have any questions about what a CSP can do for you and your business, contact us at info@iccgh.com.