Now that you have discussed contract flexibility and security with a possible CSP, there are still a few more things that you should know before making that final decision. These questions may not apply to everyone but others may feel they are dealbreakers.
Do you offer a “white label” option? This is important for businesses who will be using the virtual desktop to deliver their product to customers. Independent Software Vendors (ISV’s) often distribute their programs via the Cloud. They should have the option of customizing the portal with their logo. This will be the logo end user sees and they are typically not aware that a CSP is involved.
What type of support do you offer? Ask if they offer Tier I or Tier II support. Tier I covers any issue that is Cloud related. Tier II means that your tech team will cover primary support issues but refer more difficult problems back to the CSP. Ensure that you are comfortable with the level of support they offer.