Many avid Apple enthusiasts live-streamed the event yesterday that announced the newest products and updates. Apple products have turned many into fervent techies eager for the next new gadget. This hi-tech juggernaut has brought technological advances to the, once tech timid masses, and has them clamoring for more.
One of the yesterday’s major announcements was the iPhone X and it’s biometric security. Security is always a major topic when dealing with the Internet of Things (IoT). The iPhone X will use face scanning software as a passcode to open the device. Face ID scans the face with advanced 3-D depth perception that is stated to be faster and more secure that the fingerprint scanner that was introduced to the iPhone a few years ago. CNBC stated that 40 percent of customers are untrusting of the Face ID technology and find it too risky to use. Apple has a way of gaining customer trust and these doubters may soon embrace this technology.
It is only within the past two decades that the majority of people have opened up to tech in their everyday lives. Many were unsure when ATM’s and debit cards hit the scene but such things are now commonplace and those same individuals now trust to keep much of their lives on a device they carry in their pockets. As the IoT grows, we will need advanced security measures to keep our data and identities safe. The move to biometrics is just one of many innovative security measures we are sure to see as we integrate new gadgets and tech into our everyday routines.